Ah, I miss my good ol' lazy Sundays that I enjoyed in SF... actually I enjoyed lazy Sundays until I got my job at the spa. The work is going well I guess... I can't really complain too much. Well, except the pay is a big slap in the face but whatever. The hours are good, the people are nice, the work is terribly terribly easy. ESPECIALLY on Sundays... almost no one shows up and I just end up surfing the web all day... which is basically what I did at my previous job... heehee.
But I'm already thinking about what kind of job I'm going to take in the summer... most likely a full time job where I can slowly win over my superior's trust and confidence. Then once that kicks in, I can revert back to my true form: lazy lazy lazy asshole. I'll also need that trust when grad school starts in the Fall as my schedule will have a few constrictions. It'll be more free than my schedule now, but it will definitely not be easier. I kind of think my schedule now is pretty laid back, but it does suck having to go to class three days a week.
Statistics is turning out to be not so scary which is interesting. While my online class is turning out to be MUCH harder than I thought. Online classes are NOT for procrastinators. Yikes. So now my reality has become the opposite of my previous expectations. Where am I getting all these big full-of-shit words? Oh. Yeah. My online class's homework. I guess above all the bullshit and lameness of the class, it's actually an interesting subject. Just not delivered so well.
On a more personal level, my life is boring. Just as it has always been and will always be. Depressing thought? Maybe. I've come to accept my quiet, boring, and well, sad life. I watch a lot of TV, hang out with all the same people (which isn't a bad thing... I love my friends), do all the same activities, eat at all the same restaurants... it's just all so predictable. I need to take a vacation perhaps. Well! Actually, Susie and I are going to visit Ellen in SF. I've missed her... hanging out at home in Arcadia is definitely not as fun as hanging out with Ellen in SF. *sigh.
Okay. Well, Saturday night I actually went out to a club so here are a few pics for your viewing pleasure. Although I've already sent the album to Susie, Chris, and Cheech... maybe Brian can enjoy them.