Friday, August 3, 2007


Thank god it's f'ing Friday. Wooo. Although this week hasn't been anymore difficult than any regular week. I'm just happy that I don't have work for the next two days. Updates updates updates. Wednesday night I went out with Emily, Kishore, Sean, Tito, and JT in the city. The Mission specifically and Luna Park exactly. Everyone had dinner while I sipped my semi-gross strawberry mojito (I had dinner before I got there at 9 pm). The regular mojito was much better. It was fun to just sit around, drink, and chat (mostly gossip).

Thursday, after quite the late start in the morning, got to work around 10 am. It was just another boring work day with a bit of time for the gym in the afternoon. Although I stayed around the office for a really long time. Weird. After the gym I went to Costco to buy toilet paper (that's IT, just a GIANT package of toilet paper. Nice.) and then to L&L's for some deeeelicious Hawaiian BBQ. I headed back to the office after my errands to eat dinner at my desk (I'm pathetic) and finish up a bit of work. Mostly I paid bills and balanced my checkbook. I got home around 9:15 pm and watched Family Guy in bed while also surfing the web. I logged back into my eBay account and decided to start bidding on random crap that I need. I ended up bidding on: iPod protector/cover thingy, iPod car player since I broke my other one, and a camera battery charger since I lost the original (how sad). So mostly I just bid on replacement things. I really need to take better care of my stuff. So since it's been like two years since I lasted logged onto my eBay account, I had to naturally update all of my information (since I like to move and change jobs all the time). I had to update my billing, shipping, and email addresses. After bidding on my items to my satisfaction, I fell asleep around 11:30 pm.

This morning, I woke up semi-early and left the house at about 7:45 am. Got to work early-ish (8:30 am! yay!) and logged on to check my eBay and to my dismay... my account had been suspended! JERKS. So first I thought it was because of some unpaid balance on my PayPal account. I checked that and my balance was... $0.00. I tried calling eBay because I was pissed and all of bids had been cancelled but they referred me back to the website for the "Live Help" crap. Which I guess is kind of cool... it's just a person in an IM helping you.

So I went on there and this security guy told me that my account had been suspended because a mysterious "unauthorized third party" had logged into my account and started bidding on random crap. Now I was confused, because I had logged on the night before at 11 pm and then tried to log back in at 8:45 am. Someone in that 10 hour time span had hacked into my account?! Crazy. The security customer service guy really didn't offer any explanation, only that it had been hacked. Hm. I was a little suspicious of this hacking. And from there... the conversation went like this:

Guy: Is there anything else I can help you with?
Me: Yeah. Quick question, last night I logged into my eBay account after 2 years of inactivity and updated my billing, shipping, and email addresses. Is it possible this "unauthorized third party" is just me trying to update my personal information?
Guy: -pause-
Me: Also, I bid on three things last night.
Guy: -pause- Did you bid on item number *something something*, the ev0 iPod skin?
Me: Yes! I bid on the iPod skin, the ipod car player thing, and the camera battery charger.
Guy: -pause- Oh I see.
Me: So, for clarification purposes... no one hacked into my account. It was ME that was the "unauthorized third party?" I just want to know so I don't have to go and unnecessarily change all my other passwords.
Guy: -long pause- Yes. We at eBay take all the precautions to keep your account safe *blah blah something he found and copied from a manual*
Me: So is there anyway we can reinstate my bids?
Guy: You can re-bid on all the items. Is there anything else I can help you with?
Me: Nope. Thanks.

So overall, I'm glad that eBay does a good job about security for their members. Maybe too good of a job. That's pretty funny that they thought I was a hacker or something. It sucks that I missed out on the bid for the camera charger, but there's another one I'm bidding on again.

Interesting Friday morning adventure. Now it's 2 pm and I'm bored as hell. I had bbq pork mini sandwiches for lunch *YUM with mac-n-cheese too. So I feel pretty stuffed and foodcoma-ish. *sigh. Tonight Jenn is coming to visit for the weekend which should be fun since she's never been up to SF to visit me and Ellen.

And finally, after this long winded post... here are a few random pictures of Luna Park. The pictures of those little plastic animals were cup decorations that came with the mojitos! So cute. Emily and I collected 8 of them. My 4 are sitting on the windowsill along with my other miniature collectible things.

1 comment:

Susie said...

those little plastic things are freaking coool!!! i want one!

by the way... i have your watch! woo~hoo!