Saturday, July 28, 2007

Ah weekends

So! The picnic yesterday was quite fun! There was free food (hot dogs, appetizers, cotton candy, ice cream) and drinks (water, soda, beer, margaritas, frozen lemonade). YUM! Delightful. I ate a crap load of junk food. It was fab. Then there was the "American Idol" type competition which was pretty entertaining. I really liked the Indian guy with the long hair that sang a rock song... he screamed and everything. I was surprised and delighted.

After the picnic, I decided to just head home and relax. I ate my Cheesecake Factory leftovers and watched Robot Chicken until I passed out at around midnight. Wow, I'm an old lady. Saturday, I woke up around 9:30 am and just lounged around the house in my PJs. I got ready for Khanh's wedding and drove over to Ty's house at 2:30-ish pm. We drove down together to Los Gatos where the wedding was held at a vineyard. It was a beautiful ceremony (Khanh looked really pretty!!) and a great reception! For dinner there was a summer type salad with a raspberry vinagrette and the main course was either stuffed chicken (with olives and veggies inside) or a big chunk of beef (I'm not sure what type of cute it was) with gravy, cheese mashed potatoes, and asparagus. I got the chicken dish and it was really yummy.

And now I am back at home, in bed, watching Robot Chicken. Nice. Tomorrow don't really have any plans... Cheech is coming to the city so if she's free maybe we'll hang or somehing. Other than that, I have nothing much to do. I just want to relax mostly. My next few weekends are pretty packed: next weekend my friend Jenn is visiting, after that I'm going to Pismo, after that I'm going to a BBQ. Then I get one more free weekend after that and then it's Labor Day Weekend to drive to LA and then OFF TO EUROPE I go. How exciting! Wooo.

Okay, here are some picture slideshows for your viewing pleasure. :)

**EDIT: So I tried to post three slideshows altogether, but it was kinda overwhelming... so instead, just links to the albums.

Vancouver AAAI Conference July 23-26 2007

Brian's Dinner & Company Picnic

Khanh & Chris's Wedding - July 28, 2007

1 comment:

Ci said...

Christy, you're getting married?