Sunday, May 6, 2007

What's this? A NON-LAZY Sunday?

Yes. It can be done I guess. This weekend has been quite the adventure! And very very fun. Friday after work I hit the gym with Brian and Ty and after the gym, we (plus Cheech) went to L&L's Hawaiian BBQ. Yum! I got the kalbi plate and spam musubi. So delicious. I really should've been born Hawaiian. In Hawaii. So I could be there now. Moving on... So after dinner, I went to Target with Ty and bought a water-proof camera for this weekend. After I got home, I just relaxed and watched TV with Ellen and went to bed semi-early.

Saturday, Ellen and I woke up and got ready for our camping/rafting adventure. We also got
McD's for lunch. Mmmmm McD's. Why so delicious and disastrous for your health? So once we were full of delicious fattening food, packed, and ready to go we headed down to the CalTrain station to pick up Phill and get some last minute groceries. We got all the ingredients for deeelicious S'mores and some chips and salsa. Yum. After the market, we hit the road on our way to Lotus, CA to set up camp and let the fun begin. We got there hella* early thanks to Ellen's fast driving and since we didn't even have a tent to set up, we just laid a blanket out in the grass and relaxed for awhile. Which was marvelous. After a bit, the rest of the gang showed up (Charlie, Jas, Momo, Mike C, Mike R, Sammi, Chris and like 6 other people that I forgot the names of) and we all set up some tents. I shared this ginormous tent with Phill, Ellen, and Momo. After setting up the tents, we got the campfire going and started to cook dinner (chili dogs!). Mostly we just hung out, ate snacks (mmmm S'mores), and drank lots and lots and LOTS of beer. Well I didn't. I had one and the bathrooms were hella** far away. Ellen and I went to bed around 11 or so, but everyone else didn't sleep till like 12 or 1 (they were mostly drunk and rowdy). It was FREEZING at night. I had my new sleeping bag and was wearing socks, PJ pants, a shirt, and a sweat shirt and I was sooo cold. I had to put my AF jacket inside and put it over my middle section. That worked quite nicely!

Sunday morning, we woke up at 8:15 AM and ate a yummy breakfast that Charlie made: spicy
ramen noodles, spam, veggies, and hard boiled eggs. An interesting and delicious breakfast. After breakfast we had to break down camp and change to get ready for white water rafting!! At 10 AM we met down at the rafting area and were given our orientation by our guides. Then we hopped into the raft and started our adventure down the American River!!! It was QUITE exciting... well actually, the first half was really calm while we learned how to maneuver the boat. Our guide, Joe, was this really funny and nice outdoors-y kinda guy. At lunch we stopped at this one spot and had sandwiches and fruit and cookies. Healthy! After lunch it was back on the river. The rafting after lunch was much more exciting (class 2 and 3 rapids) and we all got pretty wet and had tons-o-fun. Finally at around 4 PM we hit the lake at the end of the river and all jumped out and swam around (the water was very dirty and VERY cold... and very fun). We were then towed by a jet ski to shore and bused back to the campsite. After getting dressed and packed up, Ellen and I headed back home to the city. We got home around 7-ish and picked up some Burger King for dinner. Now, my face is SUPER sun-burnt, my body is horribly sore, and I am beat.

What a long long long entry!!

Heeeeeell yeah!

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